Here are 5 EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE TIPS ON HOW TO GET RID OF HEMORRHOIDS FAST AND NATURALLY ALL AT HOME! Hemorrhoids, also known as piles are swollen veins around the anal opening or the anal canal. They can be painful and linger on for a long time causing distress. The main symptoms include bleeding during the bowel movement and itching. The first thing that people do to cure hemorrhoids is get an OTC medication, without knowing their possible side effects. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that are as effective and provides fast relief. So you are probably wondering how to cure hemorrhoids naturally and fast at home? Soaking yourself in a tub of warm water may provide instant relief from pain and itching and cause the blood vessels to relax. You may soak the inflamed area for 15 -20 minutes in warm but not hot water. Wipe the area gently using a wet towel so not to dry it. Doing it regularly helps in reducing external and internal hemorrhoids effectively all in the comfort of your own home. If you have witch hazel in your home, you probably know how to get rid of hemorrhoids fast. It reduces, pain, itching and bleeding until the hemorrhoids fade out. Apply a little amount of witch hazel regularly in the inflamed area for long relief from the problem. Aloe vera is an effective natural ingredient that assists fast relief from hemorrhoids. The anti-inflammatory action of aloe vera helps in resolving the symptoms in a fast and easy way. For internal hemorrhoids removal, cut stripes of the aloe vera leave discarding all the thorns and freeze it. Apply it on the inflamed area for the double action of a cold compress along with a reduction in inflammation. For external ones, just apply the gel extracted from aloe leaves to soothe and hydrate the swollen veins. Is just one great way on how to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally! Recent studies revealed the benefits of tea tree oil in reducing inflammation and curing hemorrhoids naturally. Since it is very strong, it should always be diluted by mixing it with a carrier oil. Add one or two drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like castor oil or sweet almond oil and apply it directly over the inflamed area with the help of a clean cotton swab. Doing this regularly will shrink the hemorrhoids until it cures completely. Other essential oils that may have a healing effect are lavender essential oil and rosemary essential oil. This is also a great treatment option for hemorrhoids..
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