Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat - 7 Day Fat Destroyer - Belly Fat Workout
She Lost 52 pounds with NO THYROID!
Once every 20 years or so you'll hear a weight loss story that absolutely blows your Mind !!
Well, we're just starting 2018 and I've already heard it all. So here goes, are you familiar with the name Bernice Bender?
If not, then I'm sure you've heard of her Celebrity husband.
Anyway she's a good friend of mine.
Bernice was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and pre diabetes which caused her to blow up in weight 60+ pounds.
And after beating BOTH diseases.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE... she found a way to lose 52 pounds with absolutely NO THYROID....WTH? If you haven't heard her story, you have to check it out for yourself.